Creative Painting

Painting improves not only children’s creativity, but also children’s aesthetics and appreciation of international art and multicultrualism. This fabulously creative painting class will offer your child the opportunity to learn the various painting techniques and styles using a multitude of mediums, which are all provided for. Watch your child’s creativity and imagination blossom during the course of this inspiring class.

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Age +3 - 5

At age of 3 to 5, your child may not be a logical thinker, but they have a strong perception of the world and believe what they see. This is called pre-logical thinking stage. Painting absolutely meets developmental needs of your child at this age. ANANA’s has a high standard to keep in making art a fun, playful learning experience for your child. The basic classes practice your child abilities in hand-eye coordination and observation, through use of different colours, shapes, patterns and textures. Later on, the story-based classes lead your child to explore their abilities of expression.


Age +6 - 12

At age 6 to 12, it’s the perfect time to let your child experience different art styles and painting skills for a lifetime. At this stage, ANANA’S provides an international aesthetic class. The wide range of creative topics will inspire your child’s continual progress in painting and have an artistic thinking in their future study and life.


Handicraft Program


ANANA’S handicraft program is specifically designed to develop children’s hand-eye coordination and spartial thinking. This class is for ages 6 - 12 years old. In each art theme, your child will touch and feel the texture of different materials, be familiar with various art crafts, and experience professional and complete production processes. Your child will independently make his/her own artwork in class. We provide your child a safe, professional and high-quality handicraft materials. Watch each art piece created by your child come together.